Monday, April 16, 2012

Will lemon juice for highlights work for dark brown hair?

I read something that it might turn your hair orange if you had really dark hair.

Will lemon juice for highlights work for dark brown hair?

thats bull i use it every summer to get that beachy look. It turns it blonde but it may take a few times of doing it and you must do it right. Just drowned your hair in it sit in the sun till it dries wash your hair and if thats not the color keep doing it till you get the color you want. I have never had orange hair from it so dont freak

Will lemon juice for highlights work for dark brown hair?

Fork over the dough for a stylist or risk your head on a technique people already told you might not work? Not a tough decision for me. If I couldn't afford it, I wouldn't get it done, rather than risk it. At least try something from the drugstore, instead of lemon juice or peroxide.

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